Thank you to our tournament sponsor Martin’s Home Center in Tecumseh. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Stephanie McKowen, Scott Paulson & Jim Near)
Thank you to the tournament sponsor Second Arrow Pro Shop. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Keith Funk, Ron King & Jim Near)
2021 Standings 2024-2025 Standings
Thank you to the tournament sponsor FRED’S GARAGE in Britton, MI. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Keith Funk, Ron King & Glen Hively)
2020-2021 Standings 2024-2025 Standings
Thank you to the tournament sponsor Adrain Sign. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Keith Funk, Ron King, Glen Hively)
Thank you to the tournament sponsors Lenawee Rec Bowling Center. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Beth Freiburger, Sierra Emery, Darrin Grienwahn)
Thank you to the tournament sponsor Long Motor Sales in Tecumseh. (COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Julie Erickson, Dale Phillips & Stephanie McKowen)
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